10+ Years

Cassie Graves- CEO

Explaining the complicated world of federal employee benefits to financial advisors so the benefit choices are easily understood by employees.

I have spent over 15 years in the insurance industry with 10+ years being focused in the federal benefits arena. As a former spouse of a federal employee, I had first hand experience of the lack of knowledge that employees and their spouse have around the federal employee benefits. After taking my first federal benefits class for professionals in 2014, I made it my mission to educate employees and their spouses about their complexities and challenges they have with their federal benefits; so that they don’t have to face the rude awakening that some of my family and friends faced when it came to the retirement planning process. 

My position has changed through the years though. Originally I began helping federal employees directly as an independent insurance representative, then after a couple of years I began helping financial professionals all over the country. This shift was one of the best life changing decisions I made. While still serving my original mission of educating employees and their spouses, I get to have an even larger impact by helping professionals understand the challenges, complexities, and possible solutions that assist employees and their spouses have a better retirement future. With Fed Options, we provide a variety of services, resources, and tools that increase service, trust, and credibility with the federal employee community saving financial professionals time, money and energy of having to be the federal benefits guru. This helps them to be able to stay the master of the solution!

Our Mission

Fed Options, is focused on helping federal employees and their spouses get the candid advice and service needed so they can retire with confidence and peace of mind!

We do this by educating financial professionals through our support services to set the financial expectations through the maximization of the federal employee benefits so they can use their products offered and assist employees in attaining financial freedom!


Supporting financial professionals with our services that includes clarifying the financial implications of each employee benefit.


In addition, we guide completing forms, creating letters for HR to fix discrepancies, reviewing their retirement application package, etc.


We provide resources to help you build trust and creditability with the federal employee community utilizing the most recent rules and regulations.